I have been a reader of the website Photography Bay since early 2007. During that time it has become one of my main resources for staying up-to-date on photo news and rumors. Shortly after I began using Twitter actively about a year ago I started following Eric, the founder of Photography Bay, through the service. Over the past 12 months we have began communicating on a regular enough basis that I now count him as a friend.

It was this friendship that has opened up a new opportunity for me. Last month Eric approached me about writing a weekly Photography Tips column on his website. Even though I’ve written over 1,000 here on LeggNet.com I still don’t consider myself much of a writer. But with that being said, I accepted Eric’s offer.

To help me on this new venture, I have a favor to ask the readers of this blog. Please consider following Photography Bay by either visiting the site on a regular basis or subscribing to the RSS feed. I am amazed at the amount of information that is provided on the site. If you’re like me, you will shortly make it your “go-to” place for photography info. And as another favor, if there are any subjects that you would like to see me tackle on my weekly write-up over there, please drop a comment below or email me at rich@leggnet.com.

And finally, here are the links to the first two columns I have written:

Photographing with the End in Mind
Simplifying the Rule of Thirds

LeggNet’s Digital Capture
© Rich Legg, Inc. All rights reserved.