April 7th, 2008
Monday Recap: Business Meeting Shoot
It was a productive weekend of shooting, highlighted by Saturday’s Business People stock shoot. Smiling business people are a bit of a cliche’ in the stock photography business, but that’s because they tend to sell fairly well.
For the shoot I arranged for six models to stage a mock “business meeting” in the studio. I brought in a conference table, chairs, flip-chart, and various other office-type items. The goal was to create a real looking office environment while being able to easily adjust the lighting.
I first shot the meeting against a white seamless paper backdrop. I then re-positioned it on to the other side of the studio against the painted walls. The versatility of my small studio space really pays off.
I ended the day with nearly 300 images to be culled through for candidates to add to my stock portfolio.
As always, this type of photography is a team effort and I could not do it without the help of so many. Thanks to Michelle, Alicia, Julie, Ron, Glen and Dale for modeling and to Harley and Diane for assisting.
LeggNet’s Digital Capture
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