
Last night as Michelle was exiting our front door she came across an uninvited guest on the front steps. The visitor was an approximately 20″ snake. Michelle rapidly re-entered the house and announced her discovery.

The girls and I quickly investigated. The snake was fairly docile and didn’t seem to care much about the attention. After an impromptu photo session, I safely escorted the visitor away from our home and into the field directly behind the house.

I am no snake expert (nor do I want to become one), but I did a bit of Googling and this appears to my untrained eye to be a Desert Nightsnake. If any of you snake-wranglers out there know for sure, feel free to chime in and either correct or support my analysis.

Canon 30D, Canon 70-200 f/4L lens – 1/125 second, f/5.6, ISO 160
