
For the better part of the past year I have participated in a Flickr group created by the New West Network, an online web magazine featuring information relating to the Rocky Mountain region. On several occasions the magazine has featured one of my photos on their main page. Through the participation in the group I have gotten to know their photo editor Chris Lombardi.

Chris recently started a new feature of the magazine called New West Images, a blog about western photography and photobloggers. I was honored this past week when Chris invited me to cross post some of my photographic tutorials from this site onto the blog. The first of these tutorials, one on the Rule of Thirds, was posted this past Thursday (view it here).

Please take a moment and check out the site. If you like it, go ahead and bookmark it or add it to your RSS reader. The folks at New West are great supporters of the internet photography community and deserve the support.


New West Images: www.newwest.net/index.php/gallery
New West Images RSS feed: www.newwest.net/index.php/gallery/rss/
New West Flickr Group: flickr.com/groups/newwest
New West Network: www.newwest.net