Earlier this year I was talking with Ann Torrence about what a great thing we have in Utah with Photowalking Utah and how we really should work a bit harder on getting the word out about it. Well, today Ann and I had an opportunity to do just that.

We were invited to speak at the Sandy City Rotary Club about Photowalking Utah and our involvement with its inception and growth. It was a great feeling to play a video showing the growth from the first event in October of 2007 through last month’s PhotoCamp and to deliver a presentation chronicling the group’s history. The local business leaders in attendance seemed genuinely interested in Photowalking Utah and the success it has become being an all-volunteer group. I wouldn’t be at all surprised to see a few Rotarian Photowalkers at the next few events.

Today’s image is one Ann captured of me (with my Canon!) from her comfy seat at the head table.

Canon 5D, Canon 24-105 f/4L lens – 1/25 second, f/4, ISO 6400

LeggNet’s Digital Capture
© Rich Legg, Inc. All rights reserved.